I am the master of my faith: I am the captain of by soul” - William E. Henley - Invictus


Fighting for My Destiny Prayer Meditation Music was created by author Maurine McFarlane with one goal in mind: To bring forth healing to our souls. Through her own experiences, Maurine believes that healing of the soul is a cleansing process that takes place as we fellowship with God through prayer.  In the soul of man is the mind, the will, and the emotions. Our emotional patterns tend to formulate our personalities. The soul or personality, is formed through a person’s reactions to the information the mind takes in. The way each person chooses to react to the things he or she hears, the things that happens to us, and the things we choose to receive as truth cause each soul to become what we are.  Healing of the soul will elevate our consciousness to acknowledge and face our shortcomings, and to embrace the hurt and shadows inside us to bring forth the changes we seek in ourselves. 

This beautiful masterpiece of prayer meditation music stems from author Maurine McFarlane’s book, “Fighting for My Destiny, How I Learned to Pray to Get What I Need”. These prayers appear at the end of various chapters of the book. May this experience take you closer to your Creator. Prayer Lyrics by Maurine McFarlane, Music by Austin Woodlin, Narrated by Jennifer E. Thomas.

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers. 3 John 2 KIV

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