For many people, praying is never easy to do. The reasons vary: From the distractions of life that keep us from staying focused, to the denial of the state we are in and the difficulty of letting go and trusting in God. How do we find that place of center to stay focused despite all the issues and troubles that surrounds us? 

Biblical meditation is what I use to discipline my mind to focus on God and surrender myself to Him. The logical question to ask is this: “What is the meaning of meditation, and what does meditation involve”? As a follower of Christ, this is particularly important to me because of the great and growing emphasis on meditation in eastern religions. However, my purpose is to deal only with the meaning and blessing of biblical meditation. In Scripture, the word meditate is generally found with an object – God and His Word.  Joshua 1:8 remines us that “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success”. 

Biblical meditation involves becoming detached from the controlling and hindering influences of the world and attached to the living God through Christ. It is always being open to Him, living in His presence, and always being reshaped and recreated by Him. It begins with reflective reading and rereading of the Word and is followed by reflecting on what has been read and committed to, and where the object of meditation (God) is understood. Think of how glorious an atmosphere would be that you can create, not just within yourself, but in your home, car, or place of work if you could use the technique of Biblical meditation to enhance your prayer time with God. The benefits are enormous: It enhances our worship that is designed to keep us focused on the Lord and His work (Psalms 27:4), it is a means of elevating the spiritual over the material word, and it is a way to improve our understanding of the Word and God’s ways as it applies to our lives (Psalms 49:3), i.e., understanding comes from the meditations of His heart (Psalms 119:27, 97). The ultimate benefit of Biblical meditation is that it is designed to transform and change our lives, and as it is said in Psalms 1:2 “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law, he meditates day and night.”.

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